Mountains and Waters

Stones from the West garden.

This is to be the secondary stone group in the garden, but this could easily be a garden by it's self. Shoin garden style is many interconnecting groups and individual stones and trees. Nothing is put down without a purpose. Each stone forms groups or lines linking other groups.

This group is actually made from two groups, the higher stones are complimented by three lower stones in the foreground a number of other stones are positioned around them as balance and tension.  Dogen wrote, "Mountains and waters are the actualization of the ancient Buddha way. Each abiding in it's expression, realizes completeness". Can you show your original face, the face of the mountain before mountain was born? Can you see Mountains as Dragons and fish see water?

It's not as people suppose just that Zen has some environmental ethic. That's there, it's also functioning beyond an ethic, beyond the context of you-me, here-now, Time-being. But out of that comes the True ethic beyond opinion and relativity.

To be a Human - Painting in 3D

SHO-IN BUNKA is the culture within Zen. It relates to the days of long ago when mountain monks studied in mountain temples in China. The word Shoin evokes tea by the window looking out across the jade mountains listening to the wind bell gently  tinkle - tinkle, perhaps then picking up a pen and brushing beautiful lines of clarity.

from the Mustard Seed Manual

The Mustard Seed Manual is a T'ang Dynasty Chinese manual of painting, it is considered the root manual of Chinese painting, it is also valued in traditional Landscape gardening.
To study gardening we must study landscape painting. There we develop our eye for nature and the relationship of Heaven, Earth and Man.
This picture from the manual shows the ideal of Shoin life. Man is depicted as the hermit living in the mountains. We guess living as a literati sage.

                Sho-in no bunka
                           Zen no bunka

                                    Pine mountain is Study
                               Zen is Study
The Two is One (Zen and Shoin), I meet new age healers and Missionaries but they have no concept of the many as one and the one as many, only duality of 'me and other' 'sickness and cure'. Holding that there is sickness and cure is the sickness. If only people today would listen to the Lute player.